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  • Congratulations to Anna Bessudova, Alyona Firsova, Yuri Bukin, Yulia Zakharova, Elena Likhoshway and the coauthors on publishing their article in the journal Diversity!

Congratulations to Anna Bessudova, Alyona Firsova, Yuri Bukin, Yulia Zakharova, Elena Likhoshway and the coauthors on publishing their article in the journal Diversity!

Bessudova A., Firsova A., Bukin Y., Kopyrina L., Zakharova Y., Likhoshway Y. Under-Ice Development of Silica-Scaled Chrysophytes with Different Trophic Mode in Two Ultraoligotrophic Lakes of Yakutia // Diversity. 2023. - V. 15. - №326. - p. 1-14. DOI:10.3390/d15030326