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  • Congratulations to Petr Evseev, Irina Tikhonova, Andrei Krasnopeev, Ekaterina Sorokovikova, Oleg Timoshkin, Olga Belykh and their coauthors on publishing the article in the journal Viruses!

Congratulations to Petr Evseev, Irina Tikhonova, Andrei Krasnopeev, Ekaterina Sorokovikova, Oleg Timoshkin, Olga Belykh and their coauthors on publishing the article in the journal Viruses!

Evseev P., Tikhonova I., Krasnopeev A., Sorokovikova E., Gladkikh A., Timoshkin O., Miroshnikov K., Belykh O. Tychonema sp. BBK16 Characterisation: Lifestyle, Phylogeny and Related Phages // Viruses-Basel. 2023. - V. 15. - №442. - p. 1-18. DOI:10.3390/v15020442