Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Congratulations to the teams of the Limnological Institute on their successful participation in chess and skiing competitions held by the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS!

Поздравляем команды Лимнологического института с успешным участием в соревнованиях Иркутского научного центра СО РАН по шахматам и лыжным гонкам!

The 2023 Irkutsk Scientific Center open team championship in chess was held in the evenings from January 23 to February 3 in the A.S. Apartsin Chess Club at the L.A. Melentiev Institute of Energy Systems of SB RAS. Seven teams participated: six scientific institutes and the team of the chess club. Representatives of our Institute were ranked 4-th in overall and took 3-rd place among the ISC divisions, having qualified for the blitz tournament, which took place on February 5 throughout the day, and where they managed to retake 3rd team place. We congratulate our colleagues: Evgeny Lutskin, Andrey Lopatin, Petr Alekseev, Veronika Teterina, Maria Strelova, and also thank for assistance the young chess player Ivan Shurkhovetsky (a student of Evgeny Lutskin), and a former employee of the institute Maxim Gutsol, who participated in our team, which was allowed according to the rules of the competition.

The ISC open championship in skiing, , dedicated to the Day of Russian Science, was held on February 4-5, 2023 on the Akademgorodok track in Irkutsk. The participants had to compete for two days according to the Gundersen system: run the distance on the first day in the classical style without missing the first day advantage on the second day, and, if possible, change the style to free running - in other words, on the second day there was a “pursuit race”. Representatives of our institute took the 2-nd team place among 8 ISC divisions , and individual prizes. Congratulations to colleagues: Vera Yakhnenko (1-st place in group), Petr Alekseev (1-st place), Olga Kustova (1-st place), Alexander Chebykin (1-st place), Evgeny Chebykin (3-rd place), Oksana Izosimova (4-th place), Maria Bashenkhaeva and the son of Irina Tikhonova - Ivan Makarov, a young growing biathlete. We thank Oleg Khlystov and Tatiana Grigorieva for their support on the track, photo and video shooting