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  • Congratulations to Tatyana Mayor and her coauthors with publishing the paper in the journal Diversity!

Congratulations to Tatyana Mayor and her coauthors with publishing the paper in the journal Diversity!

The paper is devoted to the field observations of thermal conditions of the development of Cyclops bohater (Crustacea: Copepoda) in natural water bodies, to the taxonomic verification of its morphotypes, and determination of the range of selectable and avoidable temperatures.

Lazareva, V.; Mayor, T.; Malysheva, O.; Medyantseva, E.; Zhdanova, S.; Grishanin, A.; Verbitsky, V. Thermal Tolerance of Cyclops bohater (Crustacea: Copepoda); Selection of Optimal and Avoided Conditions in Experimental Conditions. Diversity 2022, 14, 1106. DOI: