Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Testing of a submersible real-time holographic camera

Testing of a submersible real-time holographic camera

Within the framework of scientific and technical cooperation between Limnological Institute SB RAS and Tomsk State University (TSU), a submersible holographic camera developed at TSU was tested at the research station in the Bolshiye Koty settlement. The holographic camera was installed under the water at a depth of 5 m. Data is fed into the data centre in real time. The camera allows obtaining in real time unique information about the concentration and distribution by sizes, velocities, shape, and orientation of each particle in the investigated volume in the natural habitat. To verify and interpret the obtained holographic data, zooplankton was sampled every hour.

This camera was installed at the site where a Rinko AAQ-177 autonomous parametric profiler of water quality (JFE, Japan) is located, performing every ten seconds online measurements of pH, redox potential, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, temperature, chlorophyll, turbidity, mineralization, and conductivity. At this site, there are also test stations for measuring the water level in Lake Baikal and meteorological parameters.

Therefore, a high-tech complex has been assembled at the research station in the Bolshiye Koty settlement, characterizing the variability in biotic and biotic parameters of Lake Baikal as fully and with high temporal discreteness as possible. The creation of such automated complexes at Lake Baikal within the framework of the Digital Baikal ideology will significantly improve methods of monitoring the ecological state of the shallow water zone of the lake.